I have several projects on Research Gate - a social network for research scientists.

Project 1

RESUSCITATING THE FEMALE PRINCIPLE: Honoring the Different Ways of Knowing through which Nature expresses Itself in Humans.

Several people are collaborating in this project and you are welcome to join.

Collaborators: Tina Lindhard, Dorina Grossu,


a) Defining the term Female Principle further (and also its polarity - the Male Principle) and learning more about the Intuitive faculty the Female Principle embraces through scientific research and phenomenology.

b) Understanding and researching how, especially mothers use this faculty to know about, and communicate with their loved ones.

c) Investigating into the myths which have been used all over the world to cut people off from the Female Principle and intuitive knowing

d) Suggest and Investigate how the lack of this Principle and the overuse of the Masculine Principle affects the way people, including scientists, perceive the Universe.

e) Investigate and spell out how this affects the educational system and helps it to perpetuate a certain way of looking at the world.

f) Suggest and investigate how the educational system can also incorporate ways of enhancing the Female Principle to bring a balance between the Male and Female Principles and ways of knowing.

g) Investigate how the lack of this principle has affected our capacity to communicate with the earth, and the plant and animal worlds.

h) Current and not so current issues related to gender issues around the different Principles, primarily the Female Principle.

i) Identifying, exploring and researching different aspects of Female Energy (known as Shakti in Indian Philosophy) - its relationship to the Female Principle and how to achieve harmony and unity between its different aspects.

j) Understanding and researching the importance of resuscitating the Female Principle so we can eventually join the Male and the Female Principle to achieve enlightened consciousness and intuitive awareness


We are inviting people to contribute their papers and their knowledge under the different subsections. Although this looks a little bit complicated in the beginning - we are hoping it will be a way we can maintain a holistic view of the topic. As Dorina says, a 360 degree view. Maybe this too is a way of approaching topics using the Female Principle rather than the reductionist model so typical of scientific projects and articles. In the end we hope to assemble all the contributions in a book under the same name.

Hopefully through this project we can bring much needed attention to the Female Principle and the under researched faculty known as intuition. We feel that training people how to tap into it, is vital for individual wellbeing as well as providing a key in how we can learn to live on this planet in a more harmonious way. We also feel that by recognizing the existence and importance of the Female Principle, we can collectively begin to work on a new educational system, which embraces not only the Male Principle as typified by the rational thinking Mind but also includes the Female Principle, represented by the Mind associated with the feeling heart.

If you are not on RG please send me your contribution to my private address and I shall put it up on RG is your name.

Project 2



To understand more about the connection between the heart and different levels of Consciousness.

This project is connected with my Thesis, which goes under the same name. It is to explore and learn more about Srinivas Arka's (2013) theory of the Six Main Levels of Consciousness as well as discover why the heart has been used as the center of attention by heart based meditational practices through out the ages. In my thesis I address and partially answer these aspect by undertaking an exploratory study of the third level using a scale I designed. The scale is called the Feeling Consciousness Scale. I include the abstract below as it summarizes the study.


Inspired by Max Planck to look for the Absolute, the universally valid, the invariant that is normally absent when only concentrating on relative, testable relationships, the present study set out to understand the nature and role of the heart using different procedures. In the literature review, this study includes the application of the comparative method of Goethe to the ontological development of the heart and the notochord based on primary observations of other scientists. This revealed that with the advent of the pulsating heart, the morphological ontology of the embryo mirrors the different broad phylogenetic stages of creation from worms to mammals and invertebrates to vertebrate forms. Reflecting on the origin of the heartbeat, this researcher concurs with Arka that pulsation is probably the underlying core principle and property of universal existence, cosmic existence, and local existence. This suggests that all matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force that brings all particles to pulsation; a conscious Mind that is expressing itself through ever-changing pulsating forms.

This study also involved finding out what happens when one meditates on the Self via the (pulsating) heart using the Intuitive Meditation (IM) method of inner investigation. Based on the Arka's theory of the six main levels of consciousness, this study predicted that people would show a trend towards a more feeling-based consciousness after being trained to go below their thinking mind. In order to test this, a scale was constructed under the name of the Feeling-Consciousness Scale (FCS). The scale items were based on Arka´s work and information derived from interviews with people who had practiced the IM method for more than 7 months. Using a repeated measures design, the FCS was filled in by 8 male and 23 female participants comprising of five different groups, before and after attending five IM training sessions spread over 6 weeks (a total of 13.5 hours). The second time the scale was administered, several open questions were added. A significant difference at the .001 level was found between both scores. No correlation was found between the number of times the method was practiced and the end scores. Due to the small sample size and that the scale is a project in development, these results are tentative. Statements from the open questions suggest there may be a relation between increased sentience and intuition, especially in females. The study ends with extensive suggestions for further research.

The full thesis can be found on Research Gate https://www.researchgate.net/publication/312159350_UNLOCKING_THE_SECRETS_OF_THE_HEART_THROUGH_MEDITATING_ON_THE_SELF

 By launching this project, I hope to bring attention to and to encourage students and scientists to undertake more extensive studies of Arka's theory as it offers a solution to the problem of Consciousness as well as combing theory and phenomenological experiences. I also hope to bring attention to the fact that consciousness is not only linked to the brain but also the heart.