
22. Lindhard, T. (2021). The Male And Female Principles As Part Of Nature’s Play / Los Principios Masculino y Femenino Como Parte Del Juego De La Vida in Martin Ramirez y Valetin Martine Otero (eds) Sexo, Genero y Violencia, Madrid, Dykinson.


21. Lindhard, T. Hermann, C. Edwards, S.D.  (2021). HeartMath Coherence Model Throws New Light on Arka Dhyana Intuitive Meditation. Healthcare 20219, 1162.


20. Lindhard, T. (2021). Paleolithic Women’s Spirituality and its Relevance to us Today.  Dialogo Conference & Journal, In press.


19. Lindhard, T. (2021). The Role of Sentience in Discovering the Beholden by the Beholder. Journal of Consciousness Research Special Issue   Status: Accepted: Awaiting proof setting


18. Lindhard, T. (2020). Intuition: A Heart-based Epistemology. Diálogo vol. 7,(1):181-194 DOI: 10.18638/dialogo.2020.7.1.16


17. Lindhard, T. (2020). Mesoderm: The Possible Key to the Organic Basis of Freud’s Theories. Psychology 11(11):1769-1793 DOI: 10.4236/psych.2020.1111112


16. Lindhard, T. (2020). La Salud Mental Y La Superación De La Violencia Se Producen Al Surfear Los Niveles De Consciencia. En Valentin Martinez-Ortego Perez y J. Martin Ramirez (Eds.) Salud Mental. Madrid: Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, pp. 173-192


15. Lindhard, T. (2020). Anatomical Correlates of the Main Levels of Consciousness. Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research, Vol. 11 (2), pp. 129-153 129


14. Lindhard, T. (2020). Surfing the Deeper Levels of Consciousness, Emotions, and Mental Health. Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research, Vol 11 (2).


13. Lindhard, T. (2019). Western Institutional Education System, Cultural Diversity and Violence. In J. Martín Ramírez and Valentín Martínez-Otero Pérez (Eds.) Violencia y Diversidad Cultural. Universidad Antonio de Nebrija

12. Lindhard, T. (2019). The Serpent and Its Tail: The Biological Basis of the Religious Impulse. Dialogo Journal. 5 : 2, pp. 21 – 37.


11. Lindhard, T. (2019). Discovering our Full Potential: Resuscitating the Female. Principle. Open Journal of Social Sciences07(08):175-197. DOI: 10.4236/jss.2019.78013


10. Lindhard, T. (2019). Consciousness from the Outside-In and Inside-Out Perspective. Journal of Consciousness Explorations & Research, Vol. 10, Issue 3, pp. xxx-xxx


9. Lindhard, T. (2019). Education, Myths and the Female Principle.

Revista Asturiano. No. 212, 2-9.


8. Lindhard, T. (2018). When a Virgin is not a Virgin. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal– Vol. 5, No. 8. pp. 474-487.


7. Martin Ramirez, J. & Lindhard, T. (2018) Some Reflections on the Future of Education. Eruditio. e-Journal of the World Academy of Art and Science. Vol. 2, Issue 4. pp. 38-48.


6. Lindhard, T. (2018). Levels of Consciousness: The Role of the Heart and Pulsation. International Journal of Social Work and Human Services Practice Horizon,Vol.6. pp. 65-74.


5. Lindhard, T. (2018). The Theory of the Six Main Levels of Consciousness: A Study of the Third Level. Journal of Consciousness Exploration and Research. January 2018, Volume 9, Issue 1.DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.35972.22402 Link


4. Lindhard, T. (2017). Cosmology, Embryology and the Journey of Self-Discovery.  Dialogo,2017. DOI:10.18638/dialogo.2017.4.1.13 Link


3. Lindhard, T. (2017).  Early Embryonic Morphology and its Changing Forms. Journal of Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Health,32(2):172-187 Link:


2. Lindhard, T. (2017).  Experiencing peace through heart-based meditation on the Self. The Open Psychology Journal, 10(1): 27–40. DOI:10.2174/1874350101710010027 Link


1. Lindhard, T. (2015). Emotions including anger, bodily sensations and the “Living Matrix.” The Open Psychology Journal,8, 3–10.  Link


Book Chapters


4. Lindhard, T. (2018). Western Institutional Education System, Cultural Diversity and Violence. In J. M. Ramirez and V. M. Otero Perez (EDs.) Violence and Cultural Diversity.  Madrid: Nebrija.


3. Lindhard, T. (2018). Education. the Depreciation of the Female Principle, and Intuitive Awareness. In J. M. Ramirez and V. M. Otero Perez (EDs.) Violencia y Educacióm. Madrid: Nebrija. pp. 29-32


2. Lindhard, T. (2018). The Search for Unity Beneath our Cultural Differences. In J. Martin Ramirez & Gracia Abad-Quintanal (eds.) Cross-Cultural Dialogue as a Conflict Management Strategy. Cham (Switzerland): Springer International. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-77231-8_6 Link


1. Lindhard, T. (2016). Security and Defense: A Contradiction in Terms? In J. Martin Ramirez & J.C. Fernández (eds.) Security in Infrastructures. Chap. 1. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Link




Lindhard T. (2016). Unlocking the secrets of the heart through meditating on the self. Ph.D. diss. Dept. of Consciousness Studies, University of Professional Studies.
